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Chroma Client


Options Usage Description Value Required
basePath WithBasePath("http://localhost:8000") The Chroma server base API. Non-empty valid URL string No (default: http://localhost:8000)
Tenant WithTenant("tenant") The default tenant to use. string No (default: default_tenant)
Database WithDatabase("database") The default database to use. string No (default: default_database)
Debug WithDebug(true/false) Enable debug mode. bool No (default: false)
Default Headers WithDefaultHeaders(map[string]string) Set default headers for the client. map[string]string No (default: nil)
SSL Cert WithSSLCert("path/to/cert.pem") Set the path to the SSL certificate. valid path to SSL cert. No (default: Not Set)
Insecure WithInsecure() Disable SSL certificate verification No (default: Not Set)
Custom HttpClient WithHTTPClient(http.Client) Set a custom http client. If this is set then SSL Cert and Insecure options are ignore. *http.Client No (default: Default HTTPClient)

Tenant and Database

The tenant and database are only supported for Chroma API version 0.4.15+.

Creating a new client:

package main

import (

    chroma ""

func main() {
    client, err := chroma.NewClient(
        chroma.WithDefaultHeaders(map[string]string{"Authorization": "Bearer my token"}),
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Failed to create client: %v", err)
    // do something with client