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Records are a mechanism that allows you to manage Chroma documents as a cohesive unit. This has several advantages over the traditional approach of managing documents, ids, embeddings, and metadata separately.

Two concepts are important to keep in mind here:

  • Record - corresponds to a single document in Chroma which includes id, embedding, metadata, the document or URI
  • RecordSet - a single unit of work to insert, upsert, update or delete records.


A Record contains the following fields:

  • ID (string)
  • Document (string) - optional
  • Metadata (map[string]interface{}) - optional
  • Embedding ([]float32 or []int32, wrapped in Embedding struct)
  • URI (string) - optional

Here's the Record type:

package types

type Record struct {
    ID        string
    Embedding Embedding
    Metadata  map[string]interface{}
    Document  string
    URI       string
    err       error // indicating whether the record is valid


A record set is a cohesive unit of work, allowing the user to add, upsert, update, or delete records.

Operation support

Currently the record set only supports add operation

rs, rerr := types.NewRecordSet(
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error creating record set: %s", err)
// you can loop here to add multiple records
rs.WithRecord(types.WithDocument("Document 1 content"), types.WithMetadata("key1", "value1"))
rs.WithRecord(types.WithDocument("Document 2 content"), types.WithMetadata("key2", "value2"))
records, err = rs.BuildAndValidate(context.Background())